Mike Street Team
Ben Mike D Mike S Call Us: Ben (231) 590-2198 | Mike (231) 645-1723

NEW LISTING! 19096 Birchview Trail, Lake Ann

NEW LISTING ALERT!  This ultra-spacious home is perfect for the outdoor enthusiast!  It's less than 500' to Lake Ann access and the lot backs to 600 acres of state land complete with non-motorized trails!  Click HERE for all the details, or call Ben at (231) 590-2198 to set up a personal tour!



402 E. Front St.
Traverse City, MI   49686

Ben's Cell: (231) 590-2198
Mike D’s Cell: (231) 499-3366
Mike S’s Cell: (231) 645-1723
Office: (231) 922-3933
Fax: (231) 922-3949