Mike Street Team
Ben Mike D Mike S Call Us: Ben (231) 590-2198 | Mike (231) 645-1723

NEW LISTING! 2825 Crescent Shores Dr., Traverse City


This year-round 4BR/2.5BA home features 100' on no-wake Mickey Lake, complete with channel access to all-sports Long Lake.  It's the best of both worlds!  Act now to enjoy this property for the entire summer season and beyond!  Click HERE to check out all the details, or give Mike a call at (231) 645-1723!

Christy Pawloski
Marketing/Closing Director
Mike Street Team Assistant



402 E. Front St.
Traverse City, MI   49686

Ben's Cell: (231) 590-2198
Mike D’s Cell: (231) 499-3366
Mike S’s Cell: (231) 645-1723
Office: (231) 922-3933
Fax: (231) 922-3949