Mike Street Team
Ben Mike D Mike S Call Us: Ben (231) 590-2198 | Mike (231) 645-1723

SOLD! 7850 SW Maplehill Rd., Fife Lake

CONGRATS to the Gridley's on the sale of their Fife Lake home!  The market is extremely hot right now for sellers - buyers can't seem to grab homes fast enough.  We are seeing multiple offers consistently on properties.  Give us a call today for a FREE market analysis on your home, and let us show you how we can get your home sold!

Christy Pawloski
Marketing/Closing Director
Mike Street Team Assistant



402 E. Front St.
Traverse City, MI   49686

Ben's Cell: (231) 590-2198
Mike D’s Cell: (231) 499-3366
Mike S’s Cell: (231) 645-1723
Office: (231) 922-3933
Fax: (231) 922-3949