Mike Street Team
Ben Mike D Mike S Call Us: Ben (231) 590-2198 | Mike (231) 645-1723

Welcome to the NEW MikeStreet.com!

Hello! And thank you for visiting the NEW MikeStreet.com! We've just launched our redesigned website and we hope that you will find the changes and additions to be beneficial for your real estate needs.  Here are a few highlights:

1. MLS Searching - We've incorporated a direct feed from the MLS to our website, so you can now search ALL area listings, regardless of who the listing agent or company is!  Not only that, we can set up an auto-notification search for you, meaning that you will be automatically notified of new listings and price reductions (that meet your criteria) as soon as they hit the MLS.  Zillow, Trulia and other websites have a delay, but we can make sure you are among the first to know about new and price-reduced listings!

2. Sharing on Social Media - When you find a new listing that you like, you can now share it on social media platforms right from our website!  When you find a listing you'd like to share, click one of the circle icons at the top right of the listing to e-mail or share on Facebook and/or Twitter!

3. New Blog - Our new website also features a built-in blog, which you are reading right now!  We will update this space with lots of useful information about buying and selling, tips and tricks to make the most of home ownership, and much more.

We invite you to browse through our website to see all the great features and valuable information we have here!  Need a place to start?  We suggest you click "Meet The Team" to get to know us!

Thanks for stopping by, and check back soon for more information!

Marketing and Closing Director
Mike Street Team



402 E. Front St.
Traverse City, MI   49686

Ben's Cell: (231) 590-2198
Mike D’s Cell: (231) 499-3366
Mike S’s Cell: (231) 645-1723
Office: (231) 922-3933
Fax: (231) 922-3949